COVID-19 Relief
17 March 2020
Covid-19’s spread is presenting the industry with an unprecedented global challenge, one that changes daily. Now you can assure clients that Admin Focus has already come up with an extension to our existing commercial product to help them deal with the uncertainty the virus’s spread has caused.
Effective immediately, we will be adding extended cover to our existing Commercial Focus product for electronic items such as laptops, printers, desktops etc. in custody and control of an employee, away from the business premises noted on the schedule without a premium impact on these items
The following information should be provide to Admin Focus upfront to qualify for the extended cover:
Name and Surname of the employee
Complete risk address of the employee
Estimate time period for which the item will be used at the address provided

COVID-19 Update
18 March 2020
Because we care and remain committed to supporting you, we would like to lend a hand during these challenging times by extending the May & June 2020 renewals to May & June 2021
The implication is that your client will not receive a renewal quotation and the cover will continue “as is” until the 2021 renewal time. Should a client wish to increase the sums insured of their contents and buildings to keep pace with inflation, you can provide them with the following guidelines to assist in valuing possessions accurately:
Use an inventory checklist to calculate and compare the amounts with the sum insured for contents (replacement value – ‘new for old basis’).
Estimate re-building costs as accurately as possible (the building replacement cost and not the municipal value, market or resale value). Cover to account for improvements such as renovations or upgrading of items, building costs and standards change.
Consider listing expensive items separately.

Excess Changes
During Level 4 & 5 Lockdown
In an attempt to help ease the impact of Covid-19 on policyholders during these trying circumstances, we are pleased to announce that during level 4 and 5 national lockdown we will not charge ANY excess payable on a policy.
The excesses that will be waived at no additional charge during the above said period includes: -
Basic Excess
Voluntary Excess
Additional Compulsory Excess
Additional Excess (under 25)
Additional Excess (drivers’ license less than 2 years)
As many individuals and businesses are challenged by the impact of Covid-19, please be assured that we will remain committed to sustaining and supporting you and your clients!